Friday, December 7, 2012

Fruit Infusion Pitcher

I've been needing to find a way to flavor  water so I can enjoy it more. Look what I found! This is the Prodyne Fruit Infusion 93-Ounce Natural Fruit Flavor Pitcher  .

It is made of clear acrylic that is free of BPH.  It holds 93 ounces, and you can fill it over and over again.
This is great. You can use it to flavor water, juice, tea, and so many other things. You use natural ingredients so you can avoid sodas, and other surgery drinks and toxins such as high fructose corn syrup or aspartame.

Imagine this on your table. It just looks nice.  I'm going to order one soon and this may be what I buy for Christmas gifts.

Doesn't this just look great?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Roku HD Streaming Player

Wow!  Look at what I found. This Roku HD Streaming Player is just great!  If you are tired of paying those high prices for cable and satellite channels, this is just the ticket.

It is small, compact and works very fast with any TV.   It's easy to set up and you can get Netflix, Hulu Plus, Pandora rado, and much more. It has built in WiFi.

Here is a picture of it in case you want to know what it looks like. 

It is  price reasonable and I'm thinking of getting one for Christmas.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Men's Shaving System

 Do you  need a shave?  I used an electric razor when I was in the army. It was far better  than geting out the old "steel pot," (helmut) and heating water to shave, especially in the cold.

Mine had batteries so it was great for a short field trip.  It wasn't he best shave in the world but it worked under the circumstances.

Now if I had one of these kinds of razors like the Braun Series 3-390cc Men's Shaving System that would have been differnet.

Look at this thing!  It has three floating heads and cuts short and long hairs equally well. You just pop it in its cleaning system and you are charged up and ready to go for the next  shave. Here's a pic of it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Knife

I grew up in Southern Oregon.  I learned to hunt and fish at an early age.  We were always camping when the folks were not working.

When you grow up that way, you learn the tools necessary to get by in such a rugged environment.  One of those tools was a  knife.  I learned early that a good knife is essential for survival and just plain useful when you are out in the wild.

I found this knife the,  Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Knife, from one of the most reputable knife makers.  It is designed by one of the worlds best survivalists.  I think both of these people know what they are doing.

I bought one and  I can tell you it is everything they say it is.  I wanted to share that with you. Here is a shot of what it looks like.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Great Cup Of Coffee, Just For You

If you are a coffee drinker, you know what I'm about to say. That cup in the morning just does it. To wake up to a fresh cup of coffee in the morning just seems to get the day started.

Look what I found!

You can have that cup of your favorite coffee ready for you the first thing. No more hurrying to stop a the local coffee kiosk where you overpay and you don't always get what you want.

This little beauty will get you started with your favorite cup of coffee in your cup.  You can grab it and go.

He is a pic.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Crayola Light Designer

I can still remember when I was a kid. Mom would ask me what I wanted for Christmas and she would try and get if for me.

One year I asked for an erector set. Sure enough it came.

This isn't an erector set but if we had this, mom wouldn't have had to clean up the mess we created.

This light designer is perfect for kids who love to draw.  I can store up to 50 drawings so they can use them over and over again.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Call of Duty Black Ops II

I'm a gamer. I love playing games. It is a great pastime.  One of my favorites  is Call of Duty.  Call of Duty Black Ops II is the latest one.  I've got it on pre-order.

If you like games, this is one of the best. They just keep making it better all the time.

I thought I'd post this little message to let you know that it is here and will be available Nov.  13 in most game stores.

If you pre-order, you get a bonus.

Here is a pic of it.